Facade video game oooh yeah
Facade video game oooh yeah


It had been over eight months now, since she left home after finally managing to graduate. Since she had moved to this part of town after graduating, she hadn’t had much time to socialize or make friends beyond her coworkers and the regular customers… or at least, that was the excuse she made for herself. The bookstore was small and out of the way, and the job didn’t pay much but still, it was the closest thing to a home Meijeong Chen had these days. The names are all Korean for continuity sake, but since I am not Korean and have no idea about anything Korean, it'll probably read like it's fairly American. Anyway, since I wanted to develop a personality and a backstory for the fandom dubbed "MC", I decided that just calling the Main Character just "MC" wouldn't be sufficient, so we're going with Meijeong Chen. You too can end up writing +100K words of actually halfway decent fiction by accident.

facade video game oooh yeah

I DO have a shred of dignity, and I'm using to say I'm kind of damn proud of what this fic has become. This may have started out as an exercising in writing nonsense and having fun with self-insert-ish stuff, but that's not what this is anymore. Oh god i’m writing mystic messenger fanfiction somebody stop me i thought i was past this but im stuck in preteen self insert fanfic hell oh god i have no dignity left to give up for this nonsense fuck. Stats: Published: Updated: Words: 262465 Chapters: 54/? Comments: 877 Kudos: 811 Bookmarks: 177 Hits: 20365 burn so slow it'd give a jane austen novel blue balls.


  • Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings.
  • You aren't going to run in to un-optimized decks in something like this. Combined with the fact that you don't have to go online to shop and wait for cards to show up at your door, it's a situation where everyone has access to whatever cards they need/want at any given time. In this? It costs me 90 SR (not even UR!) points. If I wanted a playset of Pot of Prosperity in the Paper YGO game, it would cost me around $350. Another thing that makes things feel worse in a game like this is the accessability of cards. Those decks were complete oppressive in their time due to the power level of the rest of the cards in the formats they existed in, even if they would all probably lose to a modern day Standard deck, just because the modern power level of cards is much higher than it was in the 90s. Cause you mentioned Legacy, i'm assuming you understand Magic- just look at some of the classic, oppresive decks of their format- Trix in Extended, ErnhamGeddon in Standard, Draw-Go, Necrodecks in all formats, etc. A lot of people who played the game as a kid where playing against their friends who weren't spending a lot of money on the game and/or did not have optimized/good decks, and likely didn't fully understand the rules of the game either (see: people thinking the game has certain cards bugged when no, it's actually working as intended, you just didn't understand/read it right). Old formats were just as broken, with many "oh I drew my 1-off, you just lose the game" or "you don't get to play the game anymore i'm going to slowly kill you while you just sit there passing your turn each time, isn't this fun?", and this was in an era where Hand Traps beyond Kuriboh didn't exist so you could just never play around anything.

    facade video game oooh yeah

    You would probably feel a lot different if, for example, after 1 week, you were still making progress towards your second deck instead of working on your 4th.


    The idea that you can build 3 complete decks for free and in less than a week is, if anything, a BAD sign for the F2P aspect of the game, because its not doing a good enough job of flowing things through at a pace, and it has given you an expectation that you should be able to build all these things without spending a dime on the game.

    facade video game oooh yeah

    There are plenty of players and content creators who will just say "regardless of what it's place in the metagame is, i'm the biggest fan of how this deck plays (for example, Altergeist), and will just play it forever even in periods where its not good", and still do well at the game, because they understand their deck better than anyone else. Sometimes, after a year or 2, your archtype will get 1 new support card in a set and it revitalize the deck. You were able to make 3 decks in less than 1 week! And, in my opinion, one of the biggest selling points of Yugioh is you can build a deck and play it for YEARS, maybe changing a few cards in the deck each year to adapt to the rest of the metagame. but, like, what do you want? It's a Free to Play game, the point of these is to make money. I am not personally calling you out, because I have seen this sentimant from many people.

    Facade video game oooh yeah