Lord of rings aragon
Lord of rings aragon

The attackers, noticing the beauty of the ring, cut off Barahir's hand and stole it. Barahir and his small band of brave outlaws, who had long resisted Morgoth's rule by remaining hidden and engaging in guerilla warfare against his forces, were slaughtered by orcs. RELATED: The Lord of the Rings Films Give Gimli a Sneaky Link to Treebeard Thereafter, the ring became a prized heirloom of Barahir's family and one of his most treasured possessions, and he bore it till the end of his days. When Finrod's life was heroically saved by a Man named Barahir during the Dagor Bragollach, a catastrophic battle in the long-running war against Morgoth, he gifted the ring to his savior as a symbol of deep gratitude and eternal friendship between their houses. Tracing the Ring of Barahir's history reveals a staggering journey through the annals of Tolkien's world, involving legendary figures of the highest order. Originally forged by the Ñoldor Elves in Valinor, it was carried to Middle-earth by Finrod Felagund, son of Finarfin. Their age is greater even than the Rings of Power, which weren't forged until thousands of years later in the Second Age.

lord of rings aragon lord of rings aragon

These objects were created before the First Age, when the Two Trees of Valinor still stood, a status few entities can claim by the time of Frodo's adventure. It's one of the oldest forged items in Middle-earth, rivaled only by the Palantíri, the mystical seeing-stones. Though it holds no magic, the Ring of Barahir carries a great legacy, and with that, a kind of power of its own.

Lord of rings aragon